Tuesday and the wind is already blowing. We head out into a headwind, but decide to pull into a cove on the mainland to put the cover on Partial Eclipse, which we should've done last night. Back out and we can't seem to make headway. We're tacking into the wind, but the current seems to be against us, then the wind dies, so we motor.
Lunch of homemade bread, soujouk sausage, avocado. |
Within an hour the wind picks up, and we have some good sailing with a near reach running towards New York. But thunderstorms are approaching and we don't want a repeat of coming into Bridgeport, so we hold up in another cove surrounded by ridiculous mansions where there's nobody home except the maid and perhaps the groundskeeper. There's no wind after the storm, but once we are out on the Sound the sailing is so good that we push to 7pm and arrive in New Rochelle.
This storm missed us. |
New York City rises from the water! |
The right side of the bay is all ritzy homes and a country club. But on the west side is Glen Island County park. And there's a very nice cove just made for us. We drop a bow and stern anchor to keep us in the center of this little lagoon and make a pizza for dinner.
The sun is dipping low, and we row to shore for a walk and to add to their trash cans. First off we meet a county officer who tells us that the tide drops low here. But we're OK down to 18” of water. The park closes at sunset, but we're not really in the park. We're good.
Next we meet a woman who runs a nationally syndicated radio talk show, interviewing whoever she meets in life who seems interesting. We exchange emails, and who knows? We might be on the radio!
The photographer being photographed. Eclipse rests in the lagoon in the Glen Island County Park. |
Gary's turn to cook. Homemade Pizza! |
Kristen tries to frame the perfect shot of Eclipse anchored by the park. |
Glen Island Park, New Rochelle |
Gary does the pose for GQ Magazine. No, you don't pick up babes this way. |
Eclipse in "da Pahk". :Partial Eclipse" dinghy is on the shore to the left. Nice to stretch our legs! |
If you pass Roosevelt Island wednesday, wave to Jessie who will be interviewing - south end of the island!