Friday gives us almost no wind all day. This type of sailing is called ghosting. But sometimes we burn gasoline to make the miles go by. Just past the Tappan Zee bridge, which is undergoing demolition, as the new Mario Cuomo bridge has opened, we espy a NYC Fireboat tied up at Tarrytown. Google tells us it's supposed to be a museum, so we motor over to check it out. No place to tie up (no surprise) so we anchor in a little bay right beside the fireboat and row ashore. There's no museum either, so we walk up the hill to check out the town. This area was the inspiration for some of Washington Irving's stories, and they have adopted the name Sleepy Hollow.'
Old Bridge, New Bridge. Tappan Zee being disassembled while traffic flows on the new one. |
Riding the Magic Sturgeon in Tarrytown |

We return to Eclipse and the river current is just about to reverse to our favor. But still no wind. Finally, after motoring to within two miles of our destination we get barely enough wind to sail slowly.
Stuffed Grape Leaves! |
Kristen pulls together a lunch of stuffed grape leaves....grape leaves found along the road on our walk back to Eclipse from Tarrytown
We've had some things shipped General Delivery to the post office in Haverstraw, NY. We picked here as it is very close to a nice protected bay, plus a town, groceries, etc. We drop anchor half hour before they close, and we're nearly Ilene and Alison's last customer of the day. Kristen had called, so they were expecting us “Oh, you're the sailers!” they exclaim. They bubble over about meeting out-of-towners on a voyage. Afterward we motor past and they wave. But just then we run out of gas, so instead of waving back we are busy switching tanks.
Eileen and Allison at the Haverstraw Post Office! It was awesome meeting you both! |
This was once a major brickmaking town, and the harbor is deep but curiously not utilized by the town. There is a park along one side, and we anchor there. After Kristen makes a dinner of pasta and homemade sauce, we row ashore and find a very nicely manicured and equipped park with children's wading pool and waterslide (not open yet), playgrounds, a gazebo, benches and all. Plus way too many signs saying 'don't do this' and 'don't do that.'
Kristen flies her drone for some photography of the boat and the big river (there are no signs prohibiting drones) and we watch a parasail buzz by.
Eclipse as seen from my Drone |
Haverstraw as seen from my drone |
Back on board, Kristen replaces the old defective peltier device with a new one that came to the post office today. We have cold! This is a solid state device that passes electricity through a special plate, and one side gets cold while the other hot. The guts to our refrigerator.
Peltier, heat sink and fan. Making cold! |
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