The first of August comes with low gray skies and a wind from the southeast. Out on the Ottawa River we put the mast up, but sailing is ineffective with a meager breeze in our face. Motoring.
Yesterday my cell phone got stolen, so we visited the nearby casino to use their 'free' dock (pay $50, get $50 in coupons) and wifi. Then stopped again in Rockland to talk with Poste Canada about shipping, while wrangling with eBay at Tim Horton's wifi. What a lot of hoops to jump through. Instead we'll be without phone until re return to the US in about two weeks.
In the town of Rockland we stop to inquire of the post office for shipping details, and at Tim Hortons to use wifi.
Great sailing all afternoon until the wind dies toward evening. Home for the night is the little town of Papineauville where we anchor in a protected bay.
Sorry to hear about your phone. Canada seems so nice, too. I hope you at least had fun spending your casino coupons.