
Monday, May 28, 2018

Day Two: 5.28.2018: Prudence Island to Port Judith Rhode Island

Memorial day. It should be a busy day for boaters, but being cold and gray again, there are few boats out until the stratus clouds lift and blue skies break through. In our relatively calm anchorage, we raise the mast, then up go the jib and mainsail. Tailwinds push us south through Narragansett harbor, past General Dynamics, and under the high bridge to Jamestown island.
High Bridge connecting Jamestown to the Rhode Island Mainland

Airforce One....sans tail, sans rudder sitting on the tarmac at General Dynamics
This plane was making numerous practice runs over the General Dynamics plant north of Narragansett, Rhode Island.

Lighthouse in Narragansett Bay

As we round Point Judith, the winds, which had been steady from the north, swing around to the south and we tack in to Port Judith. With the change in weather, lots of boats are out. Fishing, cruising, and roaring by at full speed. 

Point Judith LIghthouse

Fisherman try their luck with their nets

With the change in weather, lots of boats are out. Fishing, cruising, and roaring by at full speed. Inside the breakwater, down come the sails and we motor in to the marina for gas and water.
Port Judith Marina

Our two intrepid sailors gathering fuel and water at the marina in Port Judith

A short way north from the marina our charts indicate an anchorage....

We drop anchor, and row Partial Eclipse (our dinghy) to the small island nearby. Above the beach of cobble and rounded gravel, are beach roses in full bloom and smelling wonderful. But look out for poison ivy, which here grows as a small bush and is prolific. Needless to say, we kept to the beach. But while here, we notice that Eclipse is getting knocked about by some major wakes from passing power boats. 

Eclipse as seen from one of the islands in Point Judith Pond

We don't want to stay here for the night. On the west side of the bay is a nice protected cove. Perhaps too shallow for many sailboats, but perfect for us. Fishermen like it too, as there are several. Kristen makes a cheese stuffed chicken, to which I add a salad.

FIshing Boats in Port Judith Harbor

The moon rises, about one day from full, and reflects off the water.


1 comment:

Days 36-38, August 4-6. Homeward bound

Exiting the New River near low is rather exciting. The whole estuary funnels through a narrow channel and can reach high speeds with rapids...